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When you perform a test, you choose the amount of effort that you want to commit to that test. Effort can be committed from multiple sources:

Energy: You can commit energy tokens of the specified aspect by removing them from your energy pool. Each energy committed adds one effort. If you don’t have at least one energy of the appropriate aspect to commit, you cannot perform that test.

Approach Icons : You may discard any number of cards from your hand with an approach icon matching the specified type on the left-hand side of the card to add effort equal to the number of that icon on the card. There is no limit to the number of approach icons you can discard to commit to a test.

Effort from Other Sources: Other game effects such as gear, helpful beings, or other Rangers’ Ranger tokens may commit effort when you perform a test. You add this effort to your committed energy and approach icons during this step to determine your total committed effort.

  • Energy and cards that are discarded to commit effort to a test are referred to as "committed" to that test. So, rules may refer to "energy committed" or "cards committed."
  • Effects that commit an additional effort "when a Ranger performs a test" can be resolved once per test unless otherwise specified.