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Campaign Tracker

The last page of the campaign guide is a tracking sheet that can be used to keep track of your campaign progress. You can also find a printable PDF of this sheet at This sheet serves as a record, and tracks all the information you may need to reference during your campaign:

Campaign Tracker
  • Current Position and Terrain: At the end of each day, record your current location and terrain type here (ideally in pencil so it can be erased). Then when you set up for the next day, use the location and terrain type noted.
  • Day Track: This keeps track of how many days have passed during your campaign . At the end of each day, cross off the current day on the day track. Each day has a “recommended weather” listed underneath it. Put the corresponding weather card into the surroundings during setup. Some days on the track have campaign guide icon s above them. Sometimes you will be instructed to write campaign guide entry numbers above specific days as well. If there is an entry above the current day, read that entry during Step 6 of setup.
  • Missions: When the campaign guide gives you a new mission, write the name of the mission in the “Missions” section, and write the current day in the box to the left. Then place the corresponding mission card in the surroundings. Some missions will track your progress using the bubbles to the right of the mission. The rules text (usually in the campaign guide) will instruct you when to check off these bubbles. Some missions may use () tokens to track their in-game progress, but this does not cause progress bubbles to be checked off unless stated by another rule. When you are instructed to "complete" a mission, simply cross the mission off of your list.
  • Rewards: When the campaign guide rewards you with a new card, write the name of the card in the “Rewards” section. Find all copies of that reward card in your collection and set them aside, using the "Unlocked Rewards" card divider to keep them separate. These cards are now available for any Ranger playing in the campaign to use for deck customization. If the campaign guide ever instructs you gain the same reward card again, ignore that effect.
  • Notable Events: As you make decisions or accomplish story milestones, the campaign guide will instruct you to record the outcomes of notable events to potentially check against later. Simply write the specified phrase in the “Notable Events” section.