๐๏ธ Active
When you perform a test, each ready card that is in the surroundings, along the way , within reach, or in your player area is active.
๐๏ธ Along the Way
Along the way is an area .
๐๏ธ Ambush (Keyword)
When a ready card with the ambush keyword enters play within reach of a Ranger, it fatigues that Ranger.
๐๏ธ Approach Icons
Approach icons appear on the lefthand side of Ranger cards. They also appear in tests printed on path cards, weather, missions, locations, and Ranger cards.
๐๏ธ Area
The play space for Earthborne Rangers is divided of into distinct areas: the surroundings, along the way , within reach, and the player area.
๐๏ธ Arrival
When you travel from one location to another, you arrive at the new location and perform Arrival Setup. See Travel for the full details.
๐๏ธ Artificer (Specialty)
Artificer is one of the available specialty sets for Ranger decks.
๐๏ธ Artisan (Background)
Artisan is one of the available background sets for Ranger decks.
๐๏ธ Aspects
There are four aspects: Awareness, Fitness, Focus, and Spirit.
๐๏ธ Attach
Some cards instruct you to attach them to other cards. When you do, place the attached card underneath the card to which it is attached with a bit poking out to remind you that itโs there.
๐๏ธ Attachments
Attachment are Ranger cards that are placed in play attached to a card specified in the attachment cardโs text. When you play one, place that card under or to the side of the card to which it is attached and apply its effects. If the card it is attached to leaves play for any reason, discard the attachment card.
๐๏ธ Attributes
Attributes are Ranger cards that have no energy cost. They cannot be played. Instead, they can only be discarded during Step 2 of performing a test.