📄️ Maladies
Maladies are a type of Ranger card that represent the lingering negative effects of the trials your Ranger has endured. The primary malady that can be added to your deck is Lingering Injury, which is added to your deck if you are forced to end the day after suffering three injuries.
📄️ Manifestation (Keyword)
To play a card with the manifestation keyword from your hand, use (discard) a token from one of your equipped cards that has the conduit keyword.
📄️ Missions
Mission cards provide you with objectives you must complete in order to advance the story.
📄️ Moments
Moments are Ranger cards with a one-time effect. They describe the specific circumstances under which they can be played in their rules text. When you play a moment, resolve all instructions on the card and discard it.
📄️ Move
The card is moved to a different area than the one in which it currently sits. If an area isn’t specified, you can choose to move it either along the way or within reach of a Ranger of your choice.
📄️ Mulligan
If you don’t like your starting hand during setup, you can set aside any number of cards from your hand and draw an equivalent number of new cards. Then shuffle the set-aside cards back into your Ranger deck.