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Locations are represented in two ways in the game: as a card in the surroundings that represents where you are currently, and as a position on the Valley map showing where that location is relative to the other locations in the Valley.

Certain locations have notable people and places to seek out or discover on your journey. These locations are pivotal. This is listed on their card and is marked on the Valley map with a gold and brown eight-pointed star. These locations have sets of path cards unique to them that are added to the path deck when you travel, instead of three random cards from the Valley set.

Location cards follow the same rules as path cards, except there is only ever one in play in the surroundings and, if it ever has progress equal or exceeding its progress threshold, it doesn't clear like a path card. Instead, during Phase 3: Travel, if the location has progress equal or exceeding its progress threshold, you can choose to travel.

Locations are double-sided, when arriving at a new location during travel, the back of the location card is used to setup the new location.

Location Front

Location Card Front Anatomy
  1. Title: The name of the card.
  2. Card Type and Traits: Flavorful attributes that may be referenced by card abilities.
  3. Presence: The card’s prominence in the environment. Determines the amount of fatigue it deals and scales other effects.
  4. Tokens: Shows the name of a special token type used for this card and the number of those tokens placed on it when it enters play. Use general tokens to track these.
  5. Progress Threshold: A measure of the Ranger’s progress toward traveling away from the location. When this card has an equal or greater number of progress tokens, you can choose to travel during Phase 3: Travel.
  6. Abilities and Tests: The main abilities of that card. This can include tests the Rangers can perform, special rules for the card, or effects that resolve when the card clears .
  7. Challenge Effects: Effects that resolve at the end of tests based on which of the three challenge icons is shown on the challenge card .
  8. Set Information: The name of the card’s set and the card’s number in that set.

Location Back

Location Card Back Anatomy
  1. Location Icon: The icon corresponding to the location on the Valley map (and to the locations path cards).
  2. Title: The name of the card.
  3. Card Type and Traits: Flavorful attributes that may be referenced by card abilities.
  4. Campaign Guide Entry: Indicates an entry in the campaign guide that should be read aloud when arriving at the location.
  5. Setup Instructions: The instructions that you follow when setting up the new location when you travel.