📄️ Scout
When you are instructed to “scout” a deck, you look at the number of cards specified from the top of that deck (for example, “scout 3 path cards”), then place any number of those cards on the top and/or bottom of that deck in the order of your choice.
📄️ Search
When you are instructed to “search” for a card, pick up the indicated decks or piles of cards, find every card matching the criteria specified, and choose one of them (for example, “search for a gear card”). Some effects will specify what to do with the card. If not, where it go depends on the type of card searched for. If you searched for a path card, put the card into play. If you searched for a Ranger card, place the card into your hand.
📄️ Set Aside
Some rules "set aside" cards. Put these cards to the side of the play area. They are not in play and not in the collection as long as they remain set aside.
📄️ Sets
All cards are organized into sets. Which set a given card belongs to is noted along either the bottom edge, or the bottom left, of each card.
📄️ Setup
To set up the game, perform the following steps in order.
📄️ Setup (Keyword)
At the start of the day after step 1 of setup, you can search your deck for one card with the setup keyword and put it into play.
📄️ Shaper (Specialty)
Shaper is one of the available specialty sets for Ranger decks.
📄️ Shepherd (Background)
Shepherd is one of the available background sets for Ranger decks.
📄️ Soothe
When you soothe fatigue, draw that many cards from the top of your fatigue stack and place them in your hand.
📄️ Specialties
Your Ranger’s specialty represents the training and experience of your Ranger’s adulthood and the specialized training they bring to the Rangers. There are four specialty sets:
📄️ Start of Day
Any abilities that resolve at "start of day" are resolved during step 10 of setup.
📄️ Starting Cards
Starting cards are any Ranger cards that can be added to your Ranger deck when first creating your decks at the beginning of the campaign.
📄️ Surroundings
The surroundings are part of the play area. They sets the stage for the game. They contain the cards representing the current location, the weather, and any missions the Rangers are trying to accomplish.