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These cards represent animals, people, and other beings in the environment.

Path Beings

Path beings are cards that have the path card image on the back side.

Path Being Card Anatomy
  1. Set Reminder: An icon showing which set the card belongs to to help with quickly identifying the set while in storage.
  2. Title: The name of the card.
  3. Card Type and Traits: Flavorful attributes that may be referenced by card abilities.
  4. Area Indicator: Indicates whether the card enters play, within reach, or along the way .
  5. Campaign Guide Entry: Indicates an entry in the campaign guide that should be read aloud when the card enters play.
  6. Presence: The card’s prominence in the environment. This value determines the amount of fatigue it may cause and scales other effects.
  7. Tokens: Shows the name of a special token type used for this card and the number of those tokens placed on it when it enters play. Use general tokens to track these.
  8. Harm Threshold: A measure of the being's well-being. When this card has an equal or greater number of harm tokens, it clears .
  9. Progress Threshold: A measure of the Rangers’ time spent with the being that the card represents. When the value shown on a being is reached or exceeded, it clears .
  10. Abilities and Tests: The main abilities of that card. This can include tests the Rangers can perform, special rules for the card, or effects that resolve when the card clears .
  11. Challenge Effects: Effects that resolve at the end of tests based on which of the three challenge icons is shown on the challenge card .
  12. Set Information: The name of the card’s set and the card’s number in that set.

Ranger Beings

Ranger Being Card Anatomy
  1. Energy Cost: The number of energy tokens that need to be spent to play the card.
  2. Title: The name of the card.
  3. Card Type and Traits: Flavorful attributes that may be referenced by card abilities.
  4. Presence: The card’s prominence in the environment.
  5. Tokens: Shows the name of a special token type used for this card and the number of those tokens placed on it when it enters play. Use general tokens to track these.
  6. Harm Threshold: A measure of the card’s well-being. When this card has an equal or greater number of harm tokens, it clears .
  7. Approach Icons : Icons that can be commited to tests by discarding the card. The card adds one effort for each approach icon matching the one shown on the test.
  8. Abilities and Tests: The main abilities of that card. This can include tests the Rangers can perform, special rules for the card, or effects that resolve when the card clears .
  9. Aspect Requirement: You must have this value or higher in the shown aspect to include this card in your deck.
  10. Set Information: The name of the card’s set and the card’s number in that set.

When you play a Ranger being, place it within reach of you and treat it like a path card for as long as it remains in play.