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Read the entry that corresponds with your current location.

Branch: You take Tala through the trees of Branch but she keeps looking more and more uncomfortable. “This place is so enclosed. I like trees, but I’m used to looking down on them from high up.”

Discard all from Tala.

Meadow: You don’t spend too long in Meadow before you can tell Tala isn’t happy here. “The Ice Clans live on top of mountains. It’s so flat here. Is there anywhere in the Valley that’s rocky and high up?”

Discard all from Tala.

Spire: You take Tala around Spire, from the taverns and streets to the tops of the highest balconies in the shadow of the Spire. She looks happy on the balconies, but as soon as you suggest going back into town, she flinches. “I like the heights, but you have way too many people here!”

Discard all from Tala.

Tumbledown: You lead Tala to the edge of Tumbledown, overlooking the falls. Suddenly she whoops with excitement, a shout that almost startles you out of your boots. “Look at this place!” she shouts. “It’s just like the cliffs and mountains at home, even if it is a bit warm! Let’s go, I want to meet the kinds of people who like to live here.” You head down to the village, but you’re already sure that you’ve found Tala’s new home.

Gain the Tala’s Perseverance reward card. Discard Tala, and return HELPING HAND to the collection. Permanently move Tala to the Tumbledown set. Record FOUND TALA A HOME on the campaign tracker.

White Sky: You take Tala around White Sky. She spends a long time sitting on the edge of one of the platforms, staring across the lake. But then she gets up and shakes her head. “I like the water, but it’s too calm. Too peaceful here. I want to live somewhere with some excitement, where you really get to see the fury of nature.”

Discard all from Tala.