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You stand at the edge of the village and look for anyone else in need. Scanning your surroundings reveals no one. It's time to escape yourself!

You avoid a few straggling reclaimers as you sprint over the bridge. When you reach the bank of the Silverfin, you turn to see Spire bathed in the vibrant, golden light of the setting sun. You watch as the last of the reclaimers clamber through the village. Polyps burst and structures dissolve beneath the corrosive secretions of the grubs.

Scores of seekers slither toward the arcology threshold and disappear within, while others perch on the spire itself, almost seeming to celebrate their victory. You hear the triumphant screeching of the reclaimers as they delve ever-deeper into the arcology ruin.

You look around at the comparably peaceful shoreline. Dace stands watch, high in the branches of a tree, her cloak rippling in the wind. Elder Orlin gives you a salute with her forge hammer. Tollin Lang comforts a group of children by making kinetic glass sculptures in the shape of friendly animals. All along the river, people watch the sun set on Spire, grateful to be able to share this moment, however tragic, with one another.

The villagers look to have things well in hand. It's time to head back to Lone Tree Station, report to Elder Thrush, and get some rest.

Complete the FALL OF SPIRE, and gain the JOURNEY (LONE TREE STATION) mission. Each Ranger soothes 4 fatigue. Write SPIRE FALLEN on the campaign tracker.