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As you carefully step around the creepers that festoon the heart of the Marsh of Rebirth, you and Kasende suddenly find yourselves face-to-face. Her eyes go wide, and for a moment she seems as surprised as you are before she visibly pulls herself together.

“The lure is ready," she says. "Have you set the lure amplifiers?” You tell her that you have, and she nods and pulls back her sleeve to reveal the activator strapped to her wrist.

Kasende looks at you. “Once I activate the lure, there’s no going back. We’ll have to stick around here long enough to make sure it’s working, and it could get pretty dangerous. Do you want to begin now? Or do you need some time to rest?”

Rangers Choose

A) Camp and start fresh tomorrow (ends the day).

The Marsh of Rebirth is a terrible place to camp, but Kasende helps you string hammocks several meters above the water. She also calmly recommends you strap yourself into your hammock so you don't fall out in the night and become a meal for a lucky hydraworm. With that comforting thought, you settle down for the night.

Complete the JOURNEY (MARSH OF REBIRTH) mission, and gain the GRUESOME FEAST mission. Record 1.26 above the next day on the day track.

End the day. You are considered to have camped.

B) Let’s go now!

You take a deep breath and nod to Kasende, who nods stoically in response. You head into the murky and mist-filled heart of the Marsh, finding a spit of relatively dry ground to stand on. Then Kasende activates the lure. Almost immediately, you hear the scuttling, splashing sounds of hundreds of reclaimers heading toward you. Kasende sucks in a slow breath and raises her whispercrack darter. “We need enough of them here to drive the hydraworms into a feeding frenzy. Until then … we just have to survive.”

Complete the JOURNEY (MARSH OF REBIRTH) mission, and gain the GRUESOME FEAST mission.

Search the Tumbledown set for Kasende, Expert Hunter, and put her into play within reach of a Ranger of your choice. Do not read her entry. Search the General set for five Reclaimer Seekers, and shuffle them into the path deck.