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With a grinding roar, the deluge of dirty brown water bursts through the ruins. They collapse under the seething torrent, massive stones tumbling end over end and ancient walls bursting into rubble. You see the tiny shape of Aell, his conduit held defiantly toward the sky, just before the torrent takes him off his feet and sweeps him away. Then the water hits you, and you’re swept under the surface and black out.

Complete the WASHED AWAY and INVASION missions.

You come to gasping and spluttering. You sit up, realizing you’re on the shore of the Silverfin. You see the river is swollen near bursting, and as you watch, you make out the corpses of reclaimers being carried along with the current. You can hear a throbbing roar in the background, and you look around to get your bearings.

“The spirit of the Silverfin is with you,” a voice says. You turn to find Elder Cormak Wellers studying you intently. You ask what he means.

“The river carried you here. To Tumbledown!” He gestures, and you see several villagers by the river, maintaining makeshift flood walls along the bank. “We managed to fish you out just before you went over the falls."

You tell Elder Wellers of your mission to rid the Valley of the reclaimers and how you enlisted Aell's help to do it.

"A dangerous, brave, and foolish plan," he says, "but you'll be happy to know that it worked. The river is thick with reclaimers. They're all washing over the falls.”

Write RECLAIMERS WASHED AWAY on the campaign tracker.

For a moment, you're filled with relief, but then you remember Aell. You ask Elder Wellers if he managed to save him too.

"I'm sorry," he says. "We haven't seen anyone else. It's a miracle you survived. We should be grateful."

Write AELL LOST on the campaign tracker. Permanently remove Aell from the Marsh of Rebirth set.

He puts his hand on your shoulder. “Once you’re feeling up to it, you’d better get back to Lone Tree Station. I expect Elder Thrush will want a report.”

Proceed to the travel phase, and select Tumbledown as your new location (even if there are ready cards with the obstacle keyword in play). Use the Mountain Pass terrain set. Gain the JOURNEY (LONE TREE STATION) mission. Complete the Remove the Reclaimers mission. Return all reclaimers in play to the General set. Return all Flood cards to the General set.