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You spend your last ounce of energy fleeing over the bridge with a handful of villagers in tow. As you reach the bank of the Silverfin, you turn to see Spire bathed in the vibrant, golden light of the setting sun. You watch as the last of the reclaimers clamber through the village. Polyps burst and structures dissolve beneath the corrosive secretions of the grubs. Scores of seekers slither toward the arcology threshold and disappear within, while others perch on the spire itself, almost seeming to celebrate their victory. You hear the triumphant screeching of the reclaimers as they delve ever-deeper into the arcology ruin.

You look around at the comparably peaceful shoreline. Shocked refugees mill around, comforting one another. You start to take stock of who made it to safety.

Read the text following each entry that you have in the campaign tracker:

DACE’S GROUP SAVED: Dace stands watch, high in the branches of a tree, her cloak rippling in the wind. Her group of townsfolk is safe, and everyone who was with her is accounted for.

ELDER ORLIN'S GROUP SAVED: Elder Orlin gives you a salute with her forge hammer. Everyone in her group is safe and accounted for.

TOLLIN’S GROUP SAVED: Tollin waves happily at you, and is pleased to report that all the villagers who came with him across the river are accounted for and safe.

If you have none of the three:

There are fewer people here than you had hoped. You were unable to guide any large groups of people out of the chaos that engulfed Spire, but as the reclaimers overtook the village, you were able to lead a few stragglers over the bridge to safety. You were joined shortly afterward by a large group led by Kal Iver. He steps forward.

"What a nightmare," he says. "Thank the ancestors I was able to find Elder Orlin and the shaper, Dace. Elder Orlin helped us get across the river while Dace manifested a strong wind to keep the reclaimers at bay. I'm happy to see that you made it out as well. I only wish we could have saved more."

You spend several hours checking on everyone who made it out, ensuring they get any aid they might need. Once you're certain there is nothing more you can do, you set off for Lone Tree Station. Elder Thrush will want a full report.

Complete the FALL OF SPIRE mission, and gain the JOURNEY (LONE TREE STATION) mission. Write SPIRE FALLEN on the campaign tracker.