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You stagger into the cooling shade of Lone Tree’s branches and collapse, sure you’ll never hike another mile again. You close your eyes, thankful for the shade, and rest. After a few minutes, you feel someone press a cold flask into your hand. Without looking, you take a welcome swig of the icy water and, as it soothes your parched throat, you open your eyes to see Elder Thrush standing over you. She nods solemnly.

“Welcome back,” she says. “It’s good to see you.” You look around and realize that you must have fallen asleep. Scores, maybe even hundreds of people are gathering around Lone Tree Station, and even as you watch, the Swift banks high overhead and comes in to dock at the mast atop the station.

Thrush follows your gaze. “People are coming from all over the Valley. Everyone has the same report. The reclaimers are gone, and even as we speak, those that aren't are being hunted by villager and Ranger alike.”

She looks back at you, and you see a small smile crack her normally imperceptible features. “The Valley is safe.”

Complete the JOURNEY (LONE TREE STATION) mission.

Read the text following each entry that you have in the campaign tracker:

RECLAIMERS WASHED AWAY: The Silverfin will run heavy and thick with silt for days to come, but the important thing is the reclaimers seem to have been flushed from their nest in the Alluvial Ruins, their corpses swept over Tumbledown Falls and into the Verdessa. Their nest destroyed, and the rest being hunted, there seems no way the reclaimers can mass to such threatening numbers again.

AELL LOST: As you wander through the crowd, you spot Dace, her eyes red-rimmed with grief. She looks at you with a mix of anger and sadness. “You don't have to say anything. I know he didn't make it.” She looks like she’s going to say something else, then turns away.

AELL REDEEMED: You turn to see Aell descending from Topside Mast, conduit floating beside him, hat as resplendent as ever. At his side you see his sister, Dace, smiling with unmistakable pride. Aell raises a mug to you, and you do the same. For a moment, a small storm cloud appears over your drink, then it quickly evaporates.

RECLAIMERS CONSUMED: The Marsh of Rebirth has turned into an abattoir of water and mud as the hydraworms feast upon the reclaimers that are drawn inexorably into the swamp by Kasende’s lure. As fast as they spawn, the reclaimers swarm to the swamp and are consumed.

KASENDE LOST: As you walk among the villagers, you come across Elder Wellers of Tumbledown. "I've heard you were with Kasende at the end," he says. "Even though she spent most of her time away, we will miss her. Soon we will have a ceremony for her at the Grove. I hope to see you there."

KASENDE ALMOST SMILED: You're startled by a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Kasende wearing a new camoweave cloak. "Kordo told me to take whatever I wanted," she says, examining the cloak. "I think those hydraworms don't stand a chance. What do you think?" You whole-heartedly agree.

SPIRE FALLEN: Looking at the gathered crowd, you recognize many faces from Spire. Hopefully, Spire may be habitable again one day, but for now you suspect Branch and Meadow will absorb the greatest share of the displaced people. Some have even established a semipermanent camp on the rugged highland plains near Lone Tree. Regardless, you know that the people of the Valley will come together like they always do and help in whatever way they can.

STOOD UP TO KAL: You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you turn to see Kal Iver standing there, his face solemn. He stares at you, then says, “We’ve been rivals for a while now, but after all this … I just want to say, I’d go out on patrol with you any time.”

IMPRESSED CALYPSA: You see Calypsa pushing her way through the milling crowds. She reaches you and clasps your hands. “Back when you first donned the cloak, I knew you showed real promise." She smiles, and together you look upon the gathering. "There will be more challenges ahead," she says. "This is just the beginning."

MISSED IT: You look around at the gathering. Rangers and villagers alike laugh, cry, and embrace. A profound sense of relief permeates the very air. Elder Thrush walks up beside you. "So," she says. "I hear that you couldn't make it to Spire. Is that true?" You nod. Thrush rests a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sure you have a good reason," she says. "Try to be there for the next one, won't you?"

» Continue reading:

That evening, you all sit down to a hearty feast prepared by none other than Hy Pimpot. In this moment there is no tragedy, no fear, no problems. In this moment there is only you, your friends and neighbors, sharing food and drink together, enjoying the bounty of life. Tomorrow is another day, but until it comes, you know you can ignore it. There will always be work to be done. There will always be people in need. But in this moment you can relax, knowing you’ve fulfilled your oath to the Valley and its people. Your ancestors smile upon you, and in this moment, you are content.

The story of the reclaimers is complete. Continue playing to discover all that you may have missed. Gain the THE VALLEY’S SECRETS mission.

End the day. You are considered to have camped.