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57. A Hearty Brew

The two-story inn and tavern is built as a hollow square with rooms opening up onto an open courtyard. Here you see guests sitting in wooden chairs with plates of food and flagons of spirits, most clustered around a flickering bonfire of multicolored flames.

As you move closer, you realize that the “fire” is actually a cunningly crafted sculpture of shards of amber, crimson, and bright ocher kinetic glass. It is lit from beneath, and the sparkling reflections dance across the guests’ faces even as they somehow bathe them in a soothing, comforting heat.

You hear the murmuring of a dozen different conversations as you walk through the tavern. Calypsa once told you that news spread faster in places like A Hearty Brew than anywhere else in the Valley. You imagine that if you needed to find someone’s location, asking around here would be a good way to start.