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With a frightening, grating wail, the spindle-legged caustic mulcher collapses to the ground with a heavy thud. You watch as the flesh of its belly suddenly swells. The mulcher releases a final, foul smelling cloud of gas, deflates, and grows still.

Once you are certain it's dead, you approach the mulcher and place your hand upon it. You recall the words of the Spirit Speaker of your village, taught to every hunter, angler, and shepherd from a young age. "May the spirit of this being find its way unhindered to the source, and may those of us who remain on Earth give thanks for the lifeforce that yet flows within us. Until we meet again..."

You turn and walk down the path. The Elders will want to know that the mulcher is no more.

Complete the CONFRONT (CAUSTIC MULCHER) mission.

End the day.