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Missing Person

The choppy waters of the Silverfin rhythmically slap against your canoe’s dolewood prow. You peer through the rain as you scan the banks of the river for any sign of Ren Kobo or his signature hoversled. It’s been a week since the Messipian was supposed to make an appearance at his market west of Spire, and folks are starting to worry.

Yesterday, one of the fisherfolk found a small box washed up on the Silverfin’s banks a bit south of White Sky and brought it to the Rangers. Ren Kobo isn’t the only one to use boxes of that make, but it’s the best sign you’ve had so far, so Lyn Mira lent one of her canoes to aid you in a fast search along the river.

Gain the DOLEWOOD CANOE REWARD card. One Ranger may immediately add it to their deck, removing two cards of their choice if they do.

Perform the first 4 steps of setup on page 10 of the rulebook, then return here for the remainder of setup.

The rain has been relentless, and the river has been swelling in recent days. You could stay here and search where the box was found, but assuming he was taken by the river, Ren Kobo could be anywhere along its length!

The river splits around the island that holds Spire. Given the number of the people in that area, surely someone there spotted something. Otherwise, if he made it past Spire, he’s most likely washed up in the Alluvial Ruins with all the river’s detritus. Either would be a good place to start, as would right here.


A. Stay at White Sky to Search

After pulling the canoe up to the riverbank in the area the fisherfolk mentioned, you begin picking through the brush. The rain has washed away any tracks on the riverbank, but you quickly identify some disturbed and broken branches that speak of something large blundering through the bushes. Something like Ren Kobo’s hoversled. A good sign! You decide to continue down this trail.

Put the WHITE SKY location card and the DOWNPOUR weather card into play in the surroundings.

B. Go to Spire and ask around, maybe someone saw him drift by:

You paddle downriver for a few hours, letting the current do most of the work as you steer to avoid the occasional toxin eater looming out of the mist.

You paddle around a bend to see Spire ahead of you, a dim silhouette through the downpour. As you draw closer, you spot several figures urgently waving and beckoning you towards the shore. A woman wrapped in a thick poncho greets you as she helps pull your canoe onto the shingle. “Are we ever glad to see you! Are you the ones looking for ol’ Ren Kobo? You’re going to want to see this.”

She leads you to a pile of boxes stacked on the shore and points toward the woods. “We found some footprints in a sheltered area up there, but we’re no trackers. Think you can take it from here?”

Put the SPIRE location card and the DOWNPOUR weather card into play in the surroundings.

C. Head down to the Alluvial Ruins to search through the detritus:

You paddle downriver for the better part of a day, letting the current do most of the work as you steer to avoid the occasional toxin eater looming out of the mist.

Finally, the current slows as the river widens into a massive alluvial fan. The trunks of dead trees and scattered ruins of ancient structures dot the field of detritus washed here by the Silverfin. It doesn’t take you long to spot some signs of Ren Kobo. Not only do you find several boxes, but you also notice a torn piece of his poncho, tied hastily to a branch as a sign. Clearly he knew he was in trouble, and knew someone would come looking for him. Hopefully all the other signs will be this easy to find.

Put the ALLUVIAL RUINS location card and the DOWNPOUR weather card into play in the surroundings.

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Gain the SEARCH (REN KOBO) mission. (Put its card into play in the surroundings with Ren Kobo attached facedown.)

Create the Path deck by shuffling together the River set and the appropriate cards for your chosen location (see page 15 of the rulebook). Place it above the surroundings.

Then, perform all initial setup by performing the setup steps on the back of the location card and placing tokens on all cards that need them.