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You reach the lip of the Plummet, and you and Dace stare over the sheer drop. She takes a deep breath, and starts to pace back and forth along the edge. You hear her repeating, quietly “I am light as a feather, rising to the sun,” over and over.

You start to say something about there being a better way to test this, but suddenly Dace hurls herself over the cliff! You dash to the edge to see her falling, then slowing, then gracefully gliding at the pace of a brisk walk. As she reaches the base of the Plummet, she stops, rises back up, then settles softly to the ground.

You can hear her whoop of victory echoing off the rocks.

Gain the Light as a Feather reward card. Discard Dace. Return HELPING HAND to the collection. Record SEEN A PERSON FLY on the campaign tracker.