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Animal Rescue

First, perform the first 4 steps of setup on page 10 of the rulebook, then return here for the remainder of setup.

On this chill, cloudy day, birds chirp overhead and cicadas buzz in the distance. Dark storm clouds loom on the horizon, soon approaching. You are patrolling the Valley, on alert for anything out of the ordinary. Just as you are beginning to suspect nothing eventful will occur today, you spot an injured animal on the side of the trail, whimpering and crying for help.

Put the Gathering Storm weather card into play in the surroundings.

Shuffle the challenge deck and draw a challenge card. Depending on the challenge symbol drawn, resolve one of the following (alternately, the rangers may simply choose which of the following to resolve).

Based on which challenge symbol was drawn


A sitka doe limps painfully by the side of the trail. You check the fawn's legs for injuries, but they seem uninjured. You wonder if its hoof is cracked or wounded in some way. Calming it down enough to lift its leg, you examine the hoof. Indeed, the hoof has cracked and a piece has torn off, likely during a scuffle or chase through the rough woodlands. This doe definitely won’t survive on its own—even a lone wolhund would pounce on such easy prey without hesitation. With no other pressing tasks on hand, you take it upon yourself to try to help this young doe. If you can bring her to the Biological Outpost, maybe Sirisana Mir or one of the other researchers there can repair the cracked hoof and restore her to health.

Put the Ancestor's Grove location card into play in the surroundings.

Create the path deck by shuffling together the Woods set and 3 random cards from the Valley set. Place it above the surroundings.

Search the path deck for a Sitka Doe and put it into play within reach of the lead ranger. Gain the Animal Rescue mission and attach it to the Sitka Doe. (You can find this card here.)


A young lutrinal lies by the side of the lake, abandoned. You lean over and examine the Lutrinal’s leg. It’s bent out of shape, the bone cracked internally. Thankfully it hasn’t broken the skin, but you know this poor guy isn’t going to last without help. The fracture is far too severe to heal on its own. At the very best, he’ll be left behind by the rest of his romp. At worst, he’ll succumb to pain or get caught by a hungry Naiad. With no other pressing tasks on hand, you take it upon yourself to try to help this young lutrinal. If you can bring him to the Biological Outpost, maybe Sirisana Mir or one of the other researchers there can repair the broken limb and restore him to health.

Put The Fractured Wall location card into play in the surroundings.

Create the path deck by shuffling together the Lakeshore set and The Fractured Wall set. Place it above the surroundings. Search the path deck for The Green Guardian and discard it.

Search the path deck for a Romping Lutrinal and put it into play within reach of the lead ranger. Gain the Animal Rescue mission and attach it to the Romping Lutrinal. (You can find this card here.)


A marmot lies on the side of the trail, its coat is caked with blood. It shivers, terrified, as you approach. You step forward carefully and gain its trust, then examine the wound along its back. A few bite marks confirm your suspicions. This poor little guy must have gotten into a scuffle with a hydraworm and barely escaped with its life. Without medical attention, it will surely die of its wounds. With no other pressing tasks on hand, you take it upon yourself to try to help this young marmot. If you can bring him to the Biological Outpost, maybe Sirisana Mir or one of the other researchers there can administer first aid and restore him to health.

Put the Sunken Outpost location card into play in the surroundings.

Create the path deck by shuffling together the Swamp set and 3 random cards from the Valley set. Place it above the surroundings.

Search the Swamp set for an Intrepid Marmot and put it into play within reach of the lead ranger. Gain the Animal Rescue mission and attach it to the Intrepid Marmot. (You can find this card here.)

Animal Rescue

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You carefully scoop the wounded animal into your arms and begin the long journey to the Biological Outpost. You’ll have to protect the injured animal from predators and make sure to continue to care for its wounds so its condition doesn’t worsen.

Perform the remainder of setup by performing the setup steps on the back of the location card and placing tokens on all cards that need them.